Load of Ob raised

Load of Ob raised
From 09.00 o'clock on February 1 on an ice crossing through the river Ob between the cities Salekhard and Labytnangi raised the admissible tonnage for motor transport. On the seasonal highway wheel motor transport with a lump up to 30 tons, caterpillar – to 45 tons is allowed.

On ice and pontoon crossings through the river Nadym the tonnage to 30 tons is established.

The winter road "– Muzhi – Azova – Tags" is open for Labytnangi by b for vehicles of the increased passability with a lump up to 15 tons. The traffic is carried out in a column on 3-4 cars. The same conditions of journey are established on the winter road "Aksarka – Salemal – Panayevsk – Yar-Sal" . On this route are allowed also caterpillar cars weighing up to 20 tons. Cars of the increased passability will pass and through a check point on the winter road "Salekhard-Nadym" , but taking into account that its weight won't exceed 25 tons.

About tonnage increase on winter routes it will be reported in addition. Besides, about a condition of winter highways of regional value it is possible to learn by phone of the hot line in Salekhard: 8 (34922) 7-16-66 or 7-17-04.

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