On an ice crossing through Ob launch heavy trucks

On an ice crossing through Ob launch heavy trucks
On an ice crossing through Ob the tonnage increased. Now on the seasonal road safe journey for wheel transport with a lump up to 25 tons, for the caterpillar – to 35 tons is provided. Motor transport transporting explosive freights, with a lump up to 30 tons is allowed. For such type of transport on a crossing overlapping of a strip and following to the opposite coast in a single order is obligatory.

The pontoon and pavement and ice crossing through the river Nadym maintains motor transport weighing up to 30 tons loading.

The operational reference on a condition of loading capacity of ice crossings and winter highways can be received by phones in Salekhard:

8 (34922) 7-16-66 or 8 (34922) 7-17-04.

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