To attention of the drivers leaving on the winter road!

Due to the sharp temperature increase of air in the afternoon and strengthening of solar activity on winter highways of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area the following restrictions are entered.
From now on at air temperature over-10 degrees on the winter highway "Aksarka — Salemal — Panayevsk — Yar-Sal" - from 08:00 to 20:00 o'clock movement is opened for vehicles of the increased passability weighing up to 3,5 tons. Movement for transport weighing up to 20 tons is forbidden.
During the period from 20:00 to 08:00 o'clock on a route cars of the increased passability wheel to 20 tons, caterpillar to 25 tons will be passed.
The route "Urengoy - Krasnoselkup" is open for all types of vehicles of the increased passability.
During the period movement on the winter highway "Salekhard — Nadym" for vehicles of the increased passability weighing up to 3,5 tons from 08:00 to 20:00 o'clock is authorized. The traffic the weight exceeding the allowed weight, is forbidden. During the period movement on a route for vehicles of the increased passability weighing up to 25 tons from 20:00 to 08:00 o'clock is opened. For safety movement has to be carried out as a part of a column not less than from two cars.
Movement for all types of all-wheel drive wheel vehicles of the increased passability as a part of a column with most allowed weight up to 25 tons on the highway "Labytnangi — Muzhi — Azova — Tags" is authorized.
On an ice crossing through Ob according to the message "Salekhard – Labytnangi" is opened movement for wheel vehicles weighing up to 30 tons, for caterpillar to 40 tons, for dangerous freights with movement overlapping to 35 tons.
Besides, the traffic police warns: before departure on ice all passengers need to unfasten seat belts, to the driver to dump speed to 10 km/h, to drive on ice quietly, without stops, braking and pushes. Stops and, especially, car filling on a crossing are inadmissible.
Let's remind that before departure on the winter road the driver needs to be registered in a log-book at check-point. To learn about the restrictions operating on seasonal roads of the district, it is possible round the clock by phone 8 (34922) 7-17-04.
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