The Yamal winter roads work in a regular mode

The Yamal winter roads work in a regular mode
On the winter highway "Aksarka — Salemal — Panayevsk — Yar-Sal" movement for vehicles of the increased passability with a lump up to 15 tons, caterpillar vehicles to 20 tons is opened.

For all types of all-wheel drive vehicles as a part of a column with an allowed weight up to 20 tons movement on a route "is authorized to Labytnangi – Muzhi – Azova - Tags".

The route is open for all vehicles "Urengoy - Krasnoselkup" also.

On the winter highway "Salekhard — Nadym" movement for all-wheel drive vehicles with a lump up to 25 tons is opened.

On an ice crossing through Ob according to the message "Salekhard – Labytnangi" is opened movement for wheel vehicles weighing up to 20 tons, for caterpillar to 30 tons.

That reference information about restrictions on the allowed mass of the cars passed on the winter road, it is possible to specify by phone: ] 8 (34922) 7-17-04 .

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