Guarantee the security of seasonal roads and crossings Yamal

Guarantee the security of seasonal roads and crossings Yamal
This year on winter roads and ice crossings will operate mobile unit weight control. Recall compliance with the established tonnage seasonal roads - a pledge of safety for the driver and his passengers.

Experts cite data-duty open "winter routes."

So, on the ferry and ice crossing over the Ob River open to traffic for wheeled vehicles total weight up to 15 tons for tracked - weighing up to 25 tons.

Across the river Nadym provided safe passage to the pontoon and ice crossing. According to the floating bridge authorized to travel to transport a total weight of 30 tons. The seasonal ice road across the river also allowed trucks weighing up to 30 tons.

The movement on the two public roads winter district values. Winter road "Urengoy - Krasnoselkup" began work on the first day of the new year. Contracting company LLC "Autodor" engaged in the construction and maintenance of this route, set the allowable tonnage vehicles on the winter road - wheeled vehicles allowed a total weight of 25 tons.

Since January 1 of this year and open winter highway "Aksarka - Salemal - Panaevskom - Yar-Sale." Contractor of this route - SUE YaNAO "Yamalavtodor." It provided for the movement of wheel-wheel drive vehicles with total weight up to 5 tons, crawler - total weight up to 10 tons.

Winter road "Labytnangy - Men - the basics - Tags" and "Nadym Salekhard -" under construction.

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