Staff of Salekhard police identifies the personality of the swindler

Staff of Salekhard police identifies the personality of the swindler
On Wednesday, December 4, the young woman fraudulently, having paid off with the souvenir note "Bank of tricks" of 5 000 rubles, I got winter children's burka, in trading floor before the building of the closed market.

The seller - the pensioner, 1955, considered the note with which the swindler paid off, only after the woman took away the acquired goods, delivery and left the market territory. The woman asked for the help the security guard of the market who called police officers. It is remarkable that in some minutes before the note got to the elderly woman, the ill-minded woman tried to pay for meat products in the covered market, however the vigilant shop assistant returned "forgery" to the owner. Then the swindler pretended that this note appeared at it absolutely incidentally, after went outside where met the trustful pensioner.

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