Telephone swindlers, deceive trustful yamalets

Telephone swindlers, deceive trustful yamalets
The inhabitant of Salekhard addressed in police and reported that more than 48 thousand rubles are removed from its bank account. Thus she made all manipulations with the ATM from dictation of swindlers.

In the morning to the woman to the mobile phone came the SMS allegedly from bank: "Your transfer to sixteen thousand rubles is accepted, information on phone... ". The naive owner of the cash card called back on specified phone to express the amazement – money it, naturally, translated to nobody. The polite man's voice told her that it is easy to eliminate this misunderstanding: it is necessary to pass only to the next ATM and to carry out certain manipulations. That it is necessary to do, to the citizen the same man's voice dictated directly by phone.

When the owner of the account checked balance, it became clear that everything is removed that was on the card – more than 48 thousand rubles, that is, is three times more than imaginary transfer. She addressed at once in police.

According to the Yamal police, in days "the shaft of similar messages with the identical text and a result - account zeroing" swept. Already how many time reminded that in case of obtaining any SMS about operations with the account, it is necessary to address at once in bank.

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