SPAM and divorce on money everywhere

SPAM and divorce on money everywhere
Trustful people always come across on dodges of the swindlers, here one of examples:

On a cellular telephone of the inhabitant of Capital of district the sms that she has won the brand new car of mark Ford has come.
«To receive a brand new foreign car, it was necessary to send a blitz-transfer at a rate of 13850 roubles», - have informed in the press-service of the Department of Internal Affairs on ЯНАО.
That fact that the woman did not participate before in quizes it not how many has not guarded, so on a fishing tackle of swindlers come across weight of people.

For especially trustful, we remind an old saying
«Free cheese, happens only in mousetraps!». Be vigilant.

Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!

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