In Nadym have stolen a half-million of "agroindustrial" roubles
Criminal case upon plunder more a half-million of the roubles allocated for support of agriculture, is raised in Nadym. The press-service of Office of Public Prosecutor JANAO informs on it.
It is established that on January, 15th, 2009 the director of Open Company "Hamba" Michael Jar for the purpose of reception of grants from the district budget on the state support of agricultural production YANAO, has entered into the agreement with agrarian and industrial complex JANAO department. According to the agreement from the district budget to a society money resources in the form of grants for manufacture and processing of meat of deer under the 90 thousand roubles rate for one ton of meat in lethal weight are allocated.
In the subsequent fictitious documents have been presented to department that Open Company "Hamba" in December, 2009 ostensibly realized to the population 5, 9 tons of meat of a reindeer on which basis to a society it has been listed more a half-million of roubles.
Materials of public prosecutor's check have been directed to investigating bodies for the decision of a question on criminal case excitation. In a course checks it has been established that actually meat wasn't realized, and fictitious contracts have been made only for the purpose of grant reception.
The investigatory department WITH at the Department of Internal Affairs on Nadym area on materials of public prosecutor's check brings criminal case on ч.3 item 159 (the swindle made by the person with use of the office position) the criminal code of Russian Federation.
It is established that on January, 15th, 2009 the director of Open Company "Hamba" Michael Jar for the purpose of reception of grants from the district budget on the state support of agricultural production YANAO, has entered into the agreement with agrarian and industrial complex JANAO department. According to the agreement from the district budget to a society money resources in the form of grants for manufacture and processing of meat of deer under the 90 thousand roubles rate for one ton of meat in lethal weight are allocated.
In the subsequent fictitious documents have been presented to department that Open Company "Hamba" in December, 2009 ostensibly realized to the population 5, 9 tons of meat of a reindeer on which basis to a society it has been listed more a half-million of roubles.
Materials of public prosecutor's check have been directed to investigating bodies for the decision of a question on criminal case excitation. In a course checks it has been established that actually meat wasn't realized, and fictitious contracts have been made only for the purpose of grant reception.
The investigatory department WITH at the Department of Internal Affairs on Nadym area on materials of public prosecutor's check brings criminal case on ч.3 item 159 (the swindle made by the person with use of the office position) the criminal code of Russian Federation.
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