On the deputy of a city of Nadym it is got two criminal cases

In Nadym concerning the deputy which name isn't called in the interests of the investigation, it is raised two criminal cases for the swindle made in especially large size.

Being the chief executive of one of management companies of Nadym area, the people's choice has directed to management of housing and communal services the demand for financing of the enterprise headed by it for calculation with the suppliers, containing obviously false data on the means spent by firm on acquisition of combustive-lubricating materials. After that the deputy has signed the fictitious contract with two firms on delivery of 1342 tons of a gas condensate to the sum more than 23 million roubles, authentically knowing that the gas condensate won't be put. Further the suspect has transferred money, received from housing and communal services management, into accounts of "fictitious suppliers».

Let's notice that in June, 2010 concerning the deputy criminal case under the same article for the swindle made in especially large size (has already been brought. 4 items 159 of the criminal code of Russian Federation). The People's choice is suspected of plunder from the federal budget more than 2,6 million roubles. Materials of two criminal cases are directed to Nadym interdistrict investigatory department of SOU SKP the Russian Federation.

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