In Labytnangah the man is neutralized, trying to blow up the house

In Labytnangah the man is neutralized, trying to blow up the house
On Yamal by employees of a patrol and inspection service the criminal is neutralized, trying to blow up an apartment house.
As have informed the Internet edition in the press-service of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on YANAO, late at night in call center OVD on Labytnangi the message of the townswoman that it the son, being in an alcohol intoxication has arrived, has expelled the woman from apartment and doesn't let in back.

The employees who have arrived on a scene of a patrol and inspection service have tried to talk to the young man, but it was closed in the apartment, and on requests to open an entrance door has answered with flat refusal.

Besides the infringer of calmness has threatened employees of the law and order to blow up itself and all house. After receipt of threat of explosion tenants of an apartment house have been evacuated.

Having opened an entrance door in ill-starred apartment, employees of law-enforcement bodies have seen the infringer of calmness who sat on a floor. In hands the criminal had a 27-liter gas bag which reducer has been opened and from it gas exuded. In hands the criminal had a lighter. Having seen guards of the law and order the young man has directed a gas stream to their party and has brought to it open fire.

Despite danger to life employees of a patrol and inspection service have neutralized the instigator and delivered in city department of internal affairs for evidence. On the given fact criminal case is brought. The investigation is carried on.

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