Yamaltsa can pay purchases by means of a post plastic card

In the Yamal post offices distribution of multipurpose plastic cards began.
By means of such Post card the client of Russian Post can carry out not only any monetary operations, as that: to make purchases, to repay the credits, to recharge, pay utility bills and mailings on the Internet etc., but also to accumulate points for using services of Russian Post according to the program «Favourite client» and then to exchange them for gifts from own catalog of the goods of Russian Post - "MIX post supermarket". One more functional feature of the card – possibility of charge of salaries, pensions and social benefits.
The owner of the Post card can remove at any time free of charge the necessary sum at the rate to 50 000 rubles a day through the offices of Russian Post having POS terminals, and ATMs of any banks in the territory of the Russian Federation.
«The post card is calculated first of all on that category of our clients which irrespective of age conduct active life, appreciate conveniences and prefer high-quality service at implementation of various operations with money, - the head of Management of financial services of Russian Post Vyacheslav Avdyukov explains. – However, any wishing can issue the post card: when developing its functional we tried to consider interests of a general population and to make it the most convenient for each holder».
The pilot project «Post card» was started in May, 2012 in 8 regions of the Russian Federation: Krasnoyarsk Krai, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Saratov, Tver, Tomsk, Eagle and Ufa. Following the results of "pilot" the card appeared is very demanded among clients of the federal post operator therefore the Russian Post made the decision to start the project in all territory of the Russian Federation. In August the post card will extend also in Yamal-Nenets the autonomous region.
«The post card» assumes receiving transfers from the relatives from any city and the country, and also payment without the commissions of utility bills and other housing and communal services, mobile communication, TV and the Internet. Each card holder has possibility to issue on the card pension.
Besides, the card holder can become the participant of the partner program «Club of discounts». As partners of the program restaurants, hotels, shops of electronics and household appliances, clothes and footwear, jeweler and design salons, etc. in which owners of «The post card» can receive discounts for services and the goods from 5 to 30 % act.
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