Yamaltsa didn't stand aside from the tragedy in Crimean

Yamaltsa didn't stand aside from the tragedy in Crimean
"On the instructions of the Governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkin work on assistance to the victim of flood on Kuban was begun, – the first deputy the district Vladimir Vladimirov told. – For some days 3 million 462 thousand rubles were collected. On the most part it is bought every possible production – according to the list which earlier we requested from the Krasnodar colleagues (see below). On Wednesday we will bring the next intermediate results of fund raising. From the Krasnodar office of the Red Cross we will request information on how further us to help. Whether it will be more convenient to them if we simply transfer the funds which have remained and raised still into the account, or it will be necessary to buy things necessary for victims and to send transport» .

"It is our sacred duty – not to stand aside from the tragedy which happened on Kuban. Our fellow citizens, affected by elements, shouldn't feel lonely, – told Vladimir Vladimirov. – Many thanks to all who took part directly in the help organization, low bow by everything who responded to an appeal and brought the donations for assistance to the victim» .

The first donations into the charitable account were listed by the Governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkin and members of the Government.

Collecting donations will proceed till Friday, July 20.

Requisites for the organization of collecting donations the victim of flood in Krasnodar Krai:

INN OF 8901013401 CHECK POINT 890101001

Account No. No. 40703810700120000104 in JSC Zapsibkombank Tyumen

BIK of 047130639 Boxes / with No. 30101810100000000639

INN of Bank of 7202021856 check points of Bank 890102001

Recipient: Yamal-Nenets regional public fund of support of the All-Russia political party "UNITED RUSSIA".

In a payment function it is obligatory to specify: «A donation for the organization of the help to the victim of flood in Krasnodar Krai ».

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