On Yamal it is allocated 90 million rubles for fires

On Yamal it is allocated 90 million rubles for fires
Today, in a mode of direct link, governor Dmitry Kobylkin, held enlarged meeting, with heads of all municipalities, of a fire-prevention situation.

At meeting Dmitry Kobylkin noted that against abnormally hot June, the situation in the district needs to be characterized as "stably intense".

«In 130 years of meteorological observations there was no such June. July, on forecasts, the little will be more cool. And still, the abnormal temperature mode doesn't justify those losses which are born by wood fund of Yamal, and in the Krasnoselkupsky area – fund especially protected» , - the governor of the district emphasized.

As the press service of administration of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug reports, the governor noted that natural fires are a zone of responsibility of heads of municipalities within administrative borders. «You have people in settlements, the strategic enterprises nearby. Head should not only take a situation under personal control, it should provide coordination and complete interaction of all participants of suppression of fires» .

To heads of municipalities it is instructed – to organize round-the-clock coordination of work on elimination of forest fires and interaction between operational staff. On these purposes, from Reserve fund of the government, it was in addition allocated 90 million rubles.

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