The head of Yamal will visit Tazovsky area

The head of Yamal will visit Tazovsky area
The governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkin this week will visit all settlements of Tazovsky area. We will note, it is the first visit of the head of region to municipal union after election as the governor.

The acquaintance to Tazovsky area plans to begin Dmitry Kobylkin with visiting of northern settlements — villages Antipajuta, Gyda and the Find where will examine objects of a municipal infrastructure, social appointment, a building construction course. In second half of day the head of region with the same purpose will visit village Gas-fat and settlement Tazovsky.

In end of visit to Administrations of Tazovsky area Dmitry Kobylkin will hold meeting with heads of local governments, the organisations, the enterprises and area establishments.

During a trip of the governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region assistants will accompany, the director district депертаментов, representatives of mass media, — the press-service of the head of Yamal informs.

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