Yamalpeoples will meet businessmen of Switzerland

The delegation of Yamal-Nenets district led by the governor with working visit is in Switzerland. Yamalpeoples have arrived to Zurich the day before.

As the press-service of the head of district informs, the program of business visit assumes a number of meetings with representatives of authorities, businessmen and compatriots.

Today the governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkin and members of delegation plan to meet the vice-president of the government of the Princedom Liechtenstein Martin Mayer. The meeting with the known Russian compatriot also is planned for today — baron Edward Aleksandrovichem a background the Fold-fejnom.

Tomorrow, on June, 10th, the head of Yamal plans to meet a management of the Swiss company «Marcel Boschung AG». The firm is one of leaders in the world of manufacturers of multipurpose dorozhno-operational technics. We will remind, business relations between autonomous region and the Swiss company «Marcel Boschung» exist since 1997. In this time between administration of district and the Swiss firm some contracts on delivery in cities of Yamal of universal harvesters and spare parts to them have been concluded. According to the Yamal experts, operation of cars «Marcel Boschung» has shown high efficiency.

Also the State reception in honour of Day of Russia in Switzerland and presentation of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region with participation of representatives of the authorities and business communities of Switzerland and Liechtenstein on June, 10th will take place.

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