On Yamal will discuss creation of the centre of Polar tourism
Today to capital JANAO with two-day working visit there arrives official delegation of a consortium of the Finnish builders «Sofi», representatives of Federal agency on tourism, Foreign trade and investment bank, business structures of St.-Petersburg. The visit purpose – discussion of questions on creation of the Center of Polar tourism in Salekhard, innovative models of development of tourist industry on the brink of the earth.
As have informed in the press-service of the governor of Yamal, at the head of the Finnish delegation – the general director of a consortium «Sofi» Mr. Erkki Leppjanen. On an arrival to Salekhard from the airport visitors will pass to стеле «66th parallel» where by tradition become participants of solemn ceremony of crossing of the Polar circle and owners of nominal certificates of "polar explorers", to hand over which the kind wizard of region – Yamal Iri intends.
Tomorrow, on February, 10th, survey of planned platforms for building of the future tourist's complex will take place, meetings and business project discussion «the Center of Polar tourism» with assistants to the Governor of autonomous region – Oleg Kontonistovym and Alexander Mazharovym, the head of agency on tourism JANAO by Vladimir Zobninym, the head of Administration MO Salekhard Jury Linkom and the head of Salekhard Alexander Spirin are planned.
In the program of cultural actions of visit are planned a sightseeing tour on district capital, visiting МВК of I.S.Shemanovskogo and a prirodno-ethnographic complex in settlement Gornoknjazevsk, writes angi.ru.
As have informed in the press-service of the governor of Yamal, at the head of the Finnish delegation – the general director of a consortium «Sofi» Mr. Erkki Leppjanen. On an arrival to Salekhard from the airport visitors will pass to стеле «66th parallel» where by tradition become participants of solemn ceremony of crossing of the Polar circle and owners of nominal certificates of "polar explorers", to hand over which the kind wizard of region – Yamal Iri intends.
Tomorrow, on February, 10th, survey of planned platforms for building of the future tourist's complex will take place, meetings and business project discussion «the Center of Polar tourism» with assistants to the Governor of autonomous region – Oleg Kontonistovym and Alexander Mazharovym, the head of agency on tourism JANAO by Vladimir Zobninym, the head of Administration MO Salekhard Jury Linkom and the head of Salekhard Alexander Spirin are planned.
In the program of cultural actions of visit are planned a sightseeing tour on district capital, visiting МВК of I.S.Shemanovskogo and a prirodno-ethnographic complex in settlement Gornoknjazevsk, writes angi.ru.
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