The first deputy of Governor YANAO has made a working trip to Ekaterinburg.
On January, 11th in Ekaterinburg the first deputy of the Governor of Yamal Vladimir Vladimirov and the chief of department of a forestry on the Ural federal district Vyacheslav Drobyshev within the limits of working meeting have discussed principles of interaction of region and the federal authority in questions.
For last year on Yamal it was possible to lower quantity of forest fires four times. It is reached, including, and thanks to available arrangements between the district Government, federal public authorities and the oil and gas extraction companies. So, in July, 2010 agreements on which on license sites production workers completely are engaged have been signed.
Positive results were given also by aviapatrol system. The ignition centers came to light at first two o'clock from the moment of fire occurrence. In spite of the fact that on Yamal the winter still will long last, already now in Government JANAO the plan of counteraction to forest fires during a summer season of 2011 is developed.
Also Vladimir Vladimirov has held a working meeting with the rector of the Ural federal university of the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin Victor Koksharovym. The parties have agreed about teamwork on Agreement preparation between the Government of Yamal and the Ural federal university in which the basic directions of cooperation will be reflected.
For last year on Yamal it was possible to lower quantity of forest fires four times. It is reached, including, and thanks to available arrangements between the district Government, federal public authorities and the oil and gas extraction companies. So, in July, 2010 agreements on which on license sites production workers completely are engaged have been signed.
Positive results were given also by aviapatrol system. The ignition centers came to light at first two o'clock from the moment of fire occurrence. In spite of the fact that on Yamal the winter still will long last, already now in Government JANAO the plan of counteraction to forest fires during a summer season of 2011 is developed.
Also Vladimir Vladimirov has held a working meeting with the rector of the Ural federal university of the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin Victor Koksharovym. The parties have agreed about teamwork on Agreement preparation between the Government of Yamal and the Ural federal university in which the basic directions of cooperation will be reflected.
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