In Korotchaevo have found out on a grenade

In Korotchaevo have found out on a grenade
On January, 24th In settlement Korotchaevo in an apartment house in a garbage tank the sanitary technician has found out a subject visually reminding to a pomegranate, and hasn't become puzzled, having called by phone.

Immediately employees of the Ministry of Emergency Measures, police and workers of the first help of profit on a call. Operation has passed successfully: a grenade transported for recycling on special range. It has appeared educational. Victims weren't.

The Central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on YANAO addresses to inhabitants of district to be more vigilant and to pay attention on:
- Unknown parcel or a subject which lies in the street, in transport or at an input in a building;
- A wire or a cord tense at an entrance or on road;
- A parcel or the parcel post which has come by mail from the stranger, or on return address illegibly written on them;
- The wires which are hanging down from a body of the car;
- The fresh filled up hole on a carriageway.

If you notice these dangers immediately will call by in police to phone «02» or in rescue service by phone «01».

Remember: it is necessary to be quiet and not to panic!
Your vigilance will prevent an act of terrorism and will rescue hundreds lives.

Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!

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