In Labytnangakh smoke because of forest fires proceeds

In Labytnangakh smoke because of forest fires proceeds
Experts advise to labytnangets when strengthening smoke to use gauze masks, whenever possible not to go outside. It is better to moisten a mask, however it is necessary to understand that wearing a mask by the people having pulmonary diseases, can worsen their condition as creates the additional resistance to breath. Besides, it is necessary to drink more clear water, not less than 2-2,5 liters a day, from them to halfliter of mineral and 2-3 cups of good green tea during the day. In addition it is necessary to take a cool shower as often as possible. It refreshes, removes stress and fatigue, the press service of a city administration of Labytnangi reports.

In need of airing of the room it is necessary to know that worst of all a situation at early morning o'clock when all dangerous suspension concentrates in a ground layer. Closer by noon the terrestrial surface gets warm, and under the influence of ascending streams of air the suspension rises up. For protection against a smog it is possible to veil open windows grids or a gauze which should be humidified constantly. It is desirable to do it in the morning as in the afternoon it can promote closeness and still bigger temperature increase indoors. During a smog it is better to use conditioners, air cleaners with modern filters.

In the house it is desirable to carry out damp cleaning and to try to moisten air to avoid drying mucous a nose. It is especially important to do washing of a nose and oral cavity rinsing.

During smoke and a smog it is necessary to refrain from physical activities. In order to avoid problems with eyes, carrying contact lenses isn't recommended. Besides, at irritation of eyes components of a smog it is necessary to wash out them preparations like an artificial or natural tear. Those who has bronchial asthma, and also chronic bronchitis are recommended not to reduce a dose of applied medicines, constantly to have at themselves inhalers. If the need for inhalers exceeds 4-6 times a day, it is necessary to address to the doctor.

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