On Yamal forest fires, Noyabrsk in a smoke storm

On Yamal forest fires, Noyabrsk in a smoke storm
The first that residents of Noyabrsk felt, having woken up on July 4 is a smell of burning in the morning. The city shrouded a smoke. All these concerns are caused by forest fires which storm in the territory of Yamal, and the wind brings echoes of these elements. The main seats of fire are far outside the city.

«Emergency threat for objects of economy and city life support, and also for objects of an oil and gas complex isn't present. All weapon emplacements are located in 50 and more kilometers from the city though in Noyabrsk the special fire-prevention mode» remains, - the chief of GO and V. Tkachev's emergency explains.

In Noyabrsk garrison of fire protection in case of emergency emergence in constant combat readiness there is the equipment completed according to standards of the sheet of a polozhennost. In case of need on suppression of forest fires the garrison staff, free from service will be involved.

Fire protection of the city of Noyabrsk once again addresses to residents: to refrain from trips to the wood, to plant fires, to burn garbage and a household waste, to be vigilant. In case of detection of forest fire to call by phone "01" or with mobile «112», even at negative balance number works!

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