In Sunday in Labytnangah will pass elections of deputies of Legislative Assembly of Yamal

In Sunday in Labytnangah will pass elections of deputies of Legislative Assembly of Yamal
As the city administration press-service informs, polling districts this day will open in six o'clock in the morning (at two o'clock before usual). According to "elective" experts, it will allow to vote to those voters who work in a replaceable mode. For example, on presidential election two years ago during the period 200 persons from 6 o'clock till 8 o'clock have voted. Also it is the most powerful argument for early opening of polling districts.

Let's note, on March, 14th for the first time to voting boxes 195 persons will come, more than two hundred voters aged are more senior 75 years. We will add that in day of voting in Labytnangah traditionally city public transport will work free of charge.

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