The inhabitant of Salekhard got penal for murder of the son of the deputy

The inhabitant of Salekhard got penal for murder of the son of the deputy
The court in Salekhard sentenced the local to 8,5 years of imprisonment – for murder of the son of the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area.

In 2011 after City Day celebration in Salekhard, the son of the deputy of the State Duma near one of shops was got involved in drunk quarrel with the company of locals. It was beaten and thrown out in a ravine. Then one of his opponents returned, went down in a ravine and strangled Horolya a stranglehold.

The model member of society appeared the murderer, investigators noted. "I grew in a full safe family, went in for sports, with desire I went to serve in army, the relations with colleagues were remarkable, after service in armies of special troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was recommended for work in power structures. Though didn't work and didn't study, but it was characterized by positively local district police officer". Admitted murder only in half a year after arrest.

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