In Salekhard there will study the Olympic Games in study of local lore among school students

In Salekhard there will study the Olympic Games in study of local lore among school students
The interregional Olympic Games on study of local lore and the native languages will bring together school and university students in Salekhard.

Them 43. Also wait for them not only creative competitions - quizes on study of local lore and the native languages, the composition which children will write after museum exhibition complex visit of I.S.Shemanovskogo. Into the program of the first day of the Olympic Games entered become already traditional excursion across Salekhard with visit of city monuments and skating in the Ice palace.

The Olympic Games are held on Yamal since 2006, and last year, reported in Department of Education of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, it got the status of the interregional. Together with teenagers from the cities and the regions of Yamal guests from the Nenets Autonomous Area participate in it.

Winners of the Olympic Games become candidates for receiving an award of the governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area and the President of the Russian Federation.

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