In Salekhard there are no professionals among state employees

In Salekhard the awards ceremony of winners of the first competition "The Best Civil Civil Servant of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area" took place. It is expected that action will motivate further officials to professional growth, and also will allow to reveal qualified professionals further.
For the right to be the best, in the competition "Professional" nomination, 9 employees from among the staff of personnel services fought.
Competition took place in two stages. In the first documents of participants were considered, and also level of their professional development was estimated. In the second participants had to protect the competitive works. Here contestants showed the business qualities, experience and knowledge.
According to the decision of organizing committee the third place is awarded to the representative of service of civil registration of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area - L.Niyazova's.
The second place was taken by E.Konstantinov from department on interaction with federal public authorities and world justice of the autonomous area.
The second place occupied E. Konstantinov from department on interaction with federal public authorities and world justice of the autonomous area.
And the first place organizing committee didn't award to anybody . Judges explained such decision with desire not to reduce the requirement to the winner.
The deputy head of the region, the head of governor apparatus of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area of I.Sokolov thanked all contestants for professional knowledge and the responsible relation to business. "I am sure, these qualities are a distinctive feature of the civil civil servants of the autonomous area" , - I.Sokolova emphasized.
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