Emergencies Minister tested the systems housing Salekhard
January 6 Emergencies Minister of Russia Vladimir Puchkov and Regional Development Minister Igor Slyunyaev tested the utility systems of Salekhard.
Ministers arrived in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District on behalf of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, an inspection of the housing facilities, available services and related systems in addressing disaster prevention,fire safety and stable operation of the life support system of the population. From the airport, they immediately went to the largest gas turbine power station in Salekhard, then visited families living in wooden and stone houses, the district hospital and the city fire department.
Over the past five years in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug on the facilities of public utilities were reported emergencies. Risk of emergency in Yamal is unlikely, but still possible accidents. System availability housing autonomous region for the autumn-winter period - 100%. Fuel capacity in all municipalities of the program created a winter delivery. Major accidents at electricity, water and heating for the last five years have been reported. For the smooth operation of enterprises in Salekhard created a reserve stock of diesel fuel 10,000 tons.
Ministers and deputy governor of Yamal, visiting the homes of citizens, interested, if they have problems with heating and electricity. As it turned out, problems with heating and electricity to the district capital of the citizens do not.
In health care settings: Salekhard District Hospital, District of skin-Venereal Diseases Clinic, the county mental hospital, county TB dispensary has redundant power supplies. In all city main boiler fuel - natural gas. In the event of an accident at a gas distribution substation or a burst pipelineboiler start to work on the backup diesel. Each boiler has a 1.2 backup boiler in case of an accident on one of the main boilers. With the complete cessation of the boiler room is adjacent to the loopback heating boiler.
- «All we saw encouraging» , - said at a briefing Minister of Emergency Situations of Russia Vladimir Puchkov. - «All matters relating to the prevention and elimination of emergency situations, life safety issues addressed at a high level» .
Regional Development Minister Igor Slyunyayev interested in everythingdue to the Social Security and Medicare population, the availability of jobs, wages, and security products, as relates to the county Polar areas.
- «We were happy that the cold season in the northern territory is safe» - admitted Igor. - «Ready utilities high. I talked to people, they say that utilities tolerable for family budget ».
Ministers expressed their appreciation to local and regional authorities for the excellent preparation for winter.
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