On Yamal the cold season comes to the end.

On Yamal the cold season comes to the end.
Since May, 25th and till June, 15th practically in all cities and settlements of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region the cold season will come to the end. The day before heat giving in houses of inhabitants have stopped in Noyabrsk. There stable warm weather was already established. By June, 1st the organizations will leave for preventive works in Muravlenko, Krasnoselkupsky, Tazovsky and Shuryshkarsky areas.

Let's remind that the decision on the cold season termination is accepted by bodies local self-management under condition of preservation of daily average temperature of air throughout five days at level of +8 degrees on Celsius. Now the majority of boiler-houses of district are translated on giving restriction. It is recommended to inhabitants at an establishment of the fact of an overheat in houses and apartments to address in management companies so that they have adjusted heat giving on intrahouse engineering communications.

Simultaneously with cold season end at the enterprises of a housing-and-municipal complex preparation for the forthcoming osenne-winter period In settlements Krasnoselkup begins 2011-2012, Tolka and Belojarsk are already performed preventive works on boiler-houses and will be checked up readiness of work of the equipment on reserve kinds of fuel.

Within the limits of preparation for a forthcoming cold season within three next months at the housing and communal services enterprises carrying out of checkup of the equipment and its preventive repair, replenishment of standard stocks of the basic and reserve kinds of fuel, purchase of expendable materials is planned. Besides, experts of the enterprises of housing and communal services will pass certification for working off of actions in the conditions of the maximum winter temperature modes, and fire-prevention trainings.

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