The Nadym area has started to be warmed by the winter

In Nadym area preparation for a cold season of 2010-2011 has begun.

As informs "Uralinformbjuro", for June, 1st, 2010 in settlements Nori, Nyda and Kutopjugan is delivered 26 tons of oil – 100 % from the plan. Besides it, Kutopjugan on 50 % is provided by a gas condensate. Completely to finish fuel delivery in villages and settlements it is planned by August, 1st.

In total for purchase of coal, diesel fuel, gas, oil and fire wood by the winter 2010-2011 it will be spent more than 140 million roubles. Also the part of this money is planned to direct for carrying out of major repairs of habitation and objects of municipal services.

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