Alternative anthropology already in Salekhard

Alternative anthropology already in Salekhard
Today, on December 14 at 17.30, will pass solemn opening Irina Goryunova's personal exhibition, under the name "Alternative Anthropology" which all will be able to visit wishing. The exhibition settles down in the State Budgetary Institution Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area Art center "District House of crafts" of the city of Salekhard.

Audience will be able to examine the unusual doll exposition issued in the form of a museum of anthropology. The press service of regional Department of culture today reported about it in.

Exhibits of a museum are devoted to earlier unknown civilization. According to a legend, scientists managed to find the people unknown earlier which existence is dated the XIII-XII centuries B.C. At detailed studying experts managed to find out that the ancient civilization had advanced science, cultural and spiritual life.

The audience who has arrived on an exhibition will be able to see in an exposition of the composition consisting of 10 dolls, representatives of a religious cult and others социальны layers. Scenes from household life, and also with festive and religious and ceremonial subject will be presented to them. Various jewelry, ware, suits, the subjects having cult and religious value will be brought to attention of the audience.

The exhibition will work till December 30 of the current year. Organizers emphasize that the entrance is free.

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