In Salekhard the exhibition of works of the Yamal artist opened the doors.

In Salekhard the exhibition of works of the Yamal artist opened the doors.Recently in Museum exhibition complex of a name I.S. Shemanovsky the personal anniversary exhibition of artist Vladimir Ushakov under the name «I to you opened the doors I write …» which is dated for the 60 anniversary of the creator.

More than 160 works, executed by means of equipment of oil painting are presented at an exhibition. On cloths people of the northern region, the severe nature of Polar Ural, the tundra, the forest-tundra and various subject compositions on military and northern subjects, and also still lifes are represented.

It is necessary to note that Vladimir Ushakov – the honored worker of culture, the member of the Union of artists of Russia and the candidate of pedagogical sciences. He was born in the city of Chusova that in the Perm area, in 1952. Studied in the Krasnodar art school and in Omsk the state teacher training college at art and graphic faculty.

Since 1975 Vladimir Ushakov lives and works on Yamal. Now teaches in the Yamal versatile college the fine arts and manages chair of art disciplines. Many his graduates already members of the Union of artists of Russia and owners of the Sign «Master of crafts and arts and crafts of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug». Works of the teacher and his graduates were included into an album «the North of Russia of XXI».

The very first personal exhibition of artist Vladimir Ushakov was organized in museum of local lore of the city of Salekhard in 1977.

Today works of the creator are in fund in Museum exhibition complex of a name I.S. Shemanovsky, and besides in museums, private collections, establishments of the district, the city and abroad – in Canada, Hungary, Finland, Japan, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

It is necessary to remind that deserved artist Vladimir Ushakov actively participated in development of sketches of the coat of arms and a flag of Yamal, and also it created the sketch of the Diploma of the Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

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