The Bogojavlensky cathedral became the highest building of a city New Urengoj

The Bogojavlensky cathedral became the highest building of a city New Urengoj
In New Urengoe on the Bogojavlensky cathedral on February, 19th have established the main dome. Historical event has occurred during solemn ceremony of illumination of a temple. Now it, will be the highest building in a city.

The ringing of bells in weight from 6 to 1200 kg will be heard by all townspeople, after all height of a new cathedral without small — 36 meters, the temple will be above the ten-storied house. Under the cathedral arches on church service 650 persons can gather.

Before installation of domes the prior Saint Serafima Sarovsky's orthodox arrival Oleg Nelin has spent a consecration rank then they have been lifted and established on a temple roof.

Let's remind that the decision on erection of a new cathedral have accepted after a temple of Saint Serafima Sarvsky, constructed in 1998, has ceased to contain all wishing parishioners. Especially there were no places during orthodox holidays. A place for the future temple the archbishop has consecrated Tobolsk and Tyumen Dimitry. Building of an orthodox church complex «Bogojavlensky cathedral» has begun in 2007.

Cathedral erection proceeds, still its initiators are glad to any help from citizens and the organizations. Gathering of donations goes constantly, the next charitable marathon will take place in April, it will be dated for Easter celebrating.

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