In Tazovsky area will construct the Orthodox temple

In Tazovsky area will construct the Orthodox temple
In 2010 commissioning Water-purifying constructions in settlement Tazovsky is planned and village Gas-fat will place in operation this year. This year in мениципалитете таже building of the Orthodox temple will begin. In area the complete set of domes is already delivered, ferro-concrete plates for overlapping of a pile field and a brick are got.

It was declared the day before by the head of Tazovsky area Nikolay Harjuchi.

Let's notice that work with these objects has been postponed earlier because of financial problems. «Yes, crisis has a little removed terms of commissioning of some objects, it was necessary to correct plans and because of changes in legislative and tax bases, but my position of principle — to continue to build. And we will do it», has underlined Nikolay Harjuchi.

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