In Gyde will construct two 12-condominiums
In village Gyda building of a 12-room apartment house has begun. In plans of builders — to erect till the end of the year
By the end of the year in village Gyda (Tazovsky area) will construct two 12-condominiums. Building of one of them has already begun.
As the press-service of administration of Tazovsky area informs, as a whole in the nearest some years in Gyde are planned to construct: a new boiler-house and to reconstruct diesel power station.
A spadework for building of the first sleeping case of a boarding school on 225 places, hospital with a medical ambulance station on 35 visitings in change and a hospital on 16 places, school on 800 places in the summer will begin.
Let's note, all objects in Gyde are erected within the limits of the address investment program for which financing from the budget of Yamal it is allocated one and a half billion roubles.
By the end of the year in village Gyda (Tazovsky area) will construct two 12-condominiums. Building of one of them has already begun.
As the press-service of administration of Tazovsky area informs, as a whole in the nearest some years in Gyde are planned to construct: a new boiler-house and to reconstruct diesel power station.
A spadework for building of the first sleeping case of a boarding school on 225 places, hospital with a medical ambulance station on 35 visitings in change and a hospital on 16 places, school on 800 places in the summer will begin.
Let's note, all objects in Gyde are erected within the limits of the address investment program for which financing from the budget of Yamal it is allocated one and a half billion roubles.
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