In Tazovsky area preschedule voting begins

In Tazovsky area preschedule voting begins
Preschedule voting will begin on Yamal forthcoming Friday. This day inhabitants of Tazovsky, Antipajutinsky, Nahodkinsky and Gydansky tundra will vote.

As the press-service of administration of municipality informs, work on informing of inhabitants of tundra is already spent. In places of mass residing of people with names of candidates information leaflets are delivered to a post of the head of Tazovsky area and in deputies of a regional thought.

Members of local election committees to places of preschedule voting will deliver by helicopters of airline "Yamal" which has won the auctions. In total it is planned to use 260 flight hours. Also the sailing charter will be involved also.

In total at carrying out of preschedule voting which will last till October, 9th, it is planned to capture an order of 2600 persons. We will remind that elections of the head of Tazovsky area and deputies of a regional thought will pass on October, 10th.

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