The tundra population will vote ahead of schedule

The tundra population will vote ahead of schedule
On March, 14th, 2010 in territory of all Yamal-Nenets autonomous region will pass elections of deputies of Legislative Assembly JANAO.
In Nadym area also will pass municipal elections:
In village Nori will select the head of administration,
In Pravohettinsky will pass a by-election in the deputy case of settlement.

In communication c importance of maintenance of necessary conditions for voting of the tundra population and вахтовиков the head of Nadym area, Lev Zaharov, has addressed to heads of the enterprises with the request to specify lists of workers which in an election day will be outside of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region so that they had possibility to vote ahead of schedule.

As to nomadic population ЯНАО for the organisation of preschedule voting among the given category of the population helicopters, snowmobile technics, motor transport will be involved.

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