In Labytnangah in bribe reception executive UFSIN is noticed

The head of structural division of one of regional government of Federal Agency of execution of the punishments, exposed in bribe reception, is arrested in Labytnangi. The press-service of management of the State Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation informs On it in UrFO.

It is established that it, using entrusted to it the state of power with a view of a personal profit, has received through the intermediary a bribe at a rate of 10 thousand roubles for assistance rendering in conditionally-early release condemned.

Besides, he has offered the person who was earlier serving time in a colony, for "gift" in the form of the laser printer to assist in conditional-early release to its acquaintance. Having received a bribe, has hidden a number of the facts of infringement condemned a mode of serving of punishment.

The man is arrested and installed in a pre-trial detention center. Behind investigation of the given criminal case control is established.

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