In New Urengoe the driver was lost

In New Urengoe criminal case to signs of the crime provided ч is brought. 2 items 143 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (infringement of rules of the labor safety, entailed death of the person). Hunts-Mansijskogo on December, 10th have informed On it in the press-service of Office of Public Prosecutor of joint-stock company to the correspondent of news agency REGNUM of News.

By consequence it is established that on December, 3rd in the boxing located in territory of industrial base "Korotchaevo", the driver of car "Ural Mountains" with the tank in which the gas condensate was transported, warmed up the car a gas torch. There was an explosion of steams of an inflammable liquid, as a result the driver has received physical injuries from which has died on the spot. Criminal case investigation proceeds.

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