In Labytnangah the voted budget for 2011
The next session of the Municipal duma in Labytnangah differed a considerable quantity of questions and the new approach to their consideration. For the first time questions were considered by blocks, and their chairmen of the profile commissions represented. Among the considered questions the special place was occupied with a question on the budget for 2011 and the planned period till 2013. According to the chief of department of the finance of Lyudmila Pishchuginoj:« The basic approaches to budget formation there was a continuity of a budgetary policy and continuation of three-year planning, and reforming of budgetary sphere in conditions 83-FZ »became features of formation of the budget-2011. The budget the next three years is generated sufficient and socially focused. The next year the budget under incomes and expenses makes 4 billion 94 million roubles. Only - own, other 85 % - will make 15 % of total amount of incomes the grant, grants and subventions of the district budget. Growth of expenses, concerning confirmed for current year, is observed practically on each section. The salary of workers of budgetary sphere will increase by 6,5 %, and for those spheres where transition to new system of payment is planned next year, growth will average 30 %.
In the conditions of reforming of budgetary system deputies have confirmed a number of changes in positions about the municipal authorities, connected with change of types of establishments. We will remind, now establishments are classified on state, independent and budgetary, and financing of the majority of them depends on result of execution of the municipal task.
Further deputies have heard the information on performance of actions within the limits of a Year of veterans and of work of election committee of municipal union which, will remind, has finished the activity.
In the conclusion, deputies have solved a number of organizational questions. Again joined structure of the Duma the deputy Veronica Bogdanova has taken the place as a part of the deputy commission on social policy, and deputy Boris Novikov has been selected by the vice-president of the Municipal duma. We will remind, the post of the vice-president remained vacant after the preschedule termination of powers of the deputy of Marina Treskovoj in connection with transition to municipal service.
In the conditions of reforming of budgetary system deputies have confirmed a number of changes in positions about the municipal authorities, connected with change of types of establishments. We will remind, now establishments are classified on state, independent and budgetary, and financing of the majority of them depends on result of execution of the municipal task.
Further deputies have heard the information on performance of actions within the limits of a Year of veterans and of work of election committee of municipal union which, will remind, has finished the activity.
In the conclusion, deputies have solved a number of organizational questions. Again joined structure of the Duma the deputy Veronica Bogdanova has taken the place as a part of the deputy commission on social policy, and deputy Boris Novikov has been selected by the vice-president of the Municipal duma. We will remind, the post of the vice-president remained vacant after the preschedule termination of powers of the deputy of Marina Treskovoj in connection with transition to municipal service.
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