In Labytnangah new system of formation of electoral committee
At session of the Municipal duma of Labytnangi the decision on the reference to Election committee of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region with the petition for putting on of powers of election committee of municipal union on again formed territorial election committee is accepted. Actually, this reference testifies to new system of formation of electoral committee. We will remind, in November of current year expires a term of appointment of members of election committee of municipal union. At last session of the Duma the decision on liquidation of electoral committee as the legal person was accepted. The present decision deputies have continued to reform system of formation of election committees. Т е., in connection with the expiry of the term of powers of members of municipal electoral committee, it was necessary for Duma to provide formation of new structure of election committee. However, with a view of economy of budgetary funds and inclusion of municipal election committee in the centralized system of election committees of Russia, it was offered not to form new structure of electoral committee of municipal union, and to assign its powers to territorial election committee. The territorial commission will be generated by election committee of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region on the basis of offers of political parties, public associations, the Municipal duma, electoral committee of the previous structure and meeting of voters. Innovations will change the status of the chairman of the future municipal electoral committee. Earlier the chairman of the commission was selected from among members of electoral committee and replaced a municipal post. Now the chairman will be appointed higher election committee and to replace a public service post.
Let's remind, the election committee is formed for five years. Its structure will include eight persons.
Let's remind, the election committee is formed for five years. Its structure will include eight persons.
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