The court has collected a half-million of roubles in favor of mother having many children

On Yamal the court has collected in favor of mother of four minor children a half-million of roubles as indemnification of the moral harm caused by death of the husband.

As informs, in April, 2010 driver Kravtsov has to death brought down the pedestrian. The driver has been condemned by a sentence of court for 2,5 years conditionally with a trial period 2 years. Besides, it is deprived the right of management by a vehicle for 1 year.

The public prosecutor of Purovsky area has addressed in November city court with the statement of claim about collecting of moral harm at a rate of 1 million roubles in advantage of the spouse of the victim to the proprietor of a vehicle as Kravtsov operated it under the task and in interests of the proprietor of the car. The size of the declared sum of moral harm has been caused by that the spouse of the victim has 4 children to most younger of which 6 months, the basic income in a family depended on the spouse.

The statement of claim of the public prosecutor has been satisfied by a judgement, from the proprietor of a vehicle in advantage of the spouse of the victim are collected 500 thousand roubles.

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