Officials have condemned for building

The district court has pronounced a sentence to three officials of administration of the Priuralsky area, accused of excess of powers at an expenditure of the budgetary funds allocated for building of polyclinic and two apartment houses in village Aksarka.

The Press-service of Office of Public Prosecutor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region informs that in 2006-2007 as a result of actions of the director of municipal authority «capital construction Management» D.Petrushinoj and its subordinate L.Kima ostensibly performed works have been paid for polyclinic building at a rate of 16,783 million roubles.

Also because of that D.Petrushina and its subordinated V.Melnichuk powers have exceeded, at the expense of million roubles works which actually were not made, on building of two apartment houses have been paid.

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