To head Muravlenko have prepared the second criminal case

Against head Muravlenko Vasily Bykovsky the second criminal case upon excess of powers of office is raised.

On a version of the investigation, in 2004-2005 the mayor has instructed subordinated to issue 4 warrants on apartments. Then these documents have been signed by V.Bykovskim. As a result four persons, three from which were not employees of administration, have out of turn received habitation on conditions.

Inspectors interrogate witnesses and eyewitnesses, the complex of actions directed on an establishment of circumstances of perfect crimes is spent.

As informs "Uralinformbjuro", within the next few days the given criminal case will be connected with earlier raised on ч.2 item 286 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (excess of powers of office). On the basis of the published V.Bykovskim decisions the mayor and its assistants throughout almost 4 years received unfairly high awards. Quarterly "bonuses" made from 100 to 400 thousand roubles. Bonus the mayor – 350-400 thousand roubles. During decision action on encouragement of officials has left more than 8,8 million roubles.

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