Deputies of the Labytnangsky municipal duma have reported about the done work within a year.
To answer voters it Elena Pushkarev helped the deputy of Legislative Assembly of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region. The place of meetings varied day by day. School audiences, club halls, office offices, and here, at last, division foyer «Jamaltransstroj — Moscow». Here a boardroom has not appeared, reported and communicated standing. This meeting on Obsky has finished a monthly marathon in which course almost daily deputies лабытнангской the Municipal duma reported to the voters. At least, this pre-election pledge is executed «on all hundred».
More difficult with those orders which demand considerable financial investments. Nevertheless, by means of colleagues-deputies of Legislative Assembly of Yamal, district executive power "Magician", acquisitions of the modern diagnostic equipment for лабытнангской hospitals was possible to solve questions of financing of end of building of children's polyclinic and reconstruction of a kindergarten.
Each meeting with voters it is not simple the report on the done work. This live dialogue, dialogue in which course questions rise sharp both at times inconvenient, and at times "at the wrong door". The enormous majority of them — questions on three letters: "housing and communal services". Almost twenty years there is a reform, the habitation is mostly privatised, however burden of the proprietor on a shoulder the little. The few have understood that the current legislation essentially limits possibilities of local governments to regulate mutual relation of proprietors of habitation and the operating organisations. In it proprietors and consumers of utilities should be engaged.
But also these questions as well as all the others, are considered, brought in the special register, and will be necessarily considered by deputies. Thus, new orders of voters are formed. The head of public reception "United Russia" the Lily of Ognivova notices that within last month the quantity of references of citizens in a reception has essentially increased, the truth, does not connect directly this circumstance with the period of deputy reports. And one more way of formation of a package of orders is a participation in the project «National contract». Such contracts are offered to be concluded all interested person at each meeting. The project is started in February. For today 137 contracts have already returned to a public reception of "UNIFORM Russia» with orders of townspeople.
And that to concrete orders their big part besides concerns work of the enterprises of housing and communal services, to requirements to create the monitoring system of this work. On this field at deputies it is a lot of work, at least, because such requirements will poorly be co-ordinated with the current legislation. To give legal inquiries, to explain the rights and duties, to help with official registration of papers to learn, say, the proprietor to be the proprietor, — a difficult task.
However such is work of the deputy which does not terminate with the termination of the accounting period. And the last meetings in labour collectives are capable to give to this work an additional impulse.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
More difficult with those orders which demand considerable financial investments. Nevertheless, by means of colleagues-deputies of Legislative Assembly of Yamal, district executive power "Magician", acquisitions of the modern diagnostic equipment for лабытнангской hospitals was possible to solve questions of financing of end of building of children's polyclinic and reconstruction of a kindergarten.
Each meeting with voters it is not simple the report on the done work. This live dialogue, dialogue in which course questions rise sharp both at times inconvenient, and at times "at the wrong door". The enormous majority of them — questions on three letters: "housing and communal services". Almost twenty years there is a reform, the habitation is mostly privatised, however burden of the proprietor on a shoulder the little. The few have understood that the current legislation essentially limits possibilities of local governments to regulate mutual relation of proprietors of habitation and the operating organisations. In it proprietors and consumers of utilities should be engaged.
But also these questions as well as all the others, are considered, brought in the special register, and will be necessarily considered by deputies. Thus, new orders of voters are formed. The head of public reception "United Russia" the Lily of Ognivova notices that within last month the quantity of references of citizens in a reception has essentially increased, the truth, does not connect directly this circumstance with the period of deputy reports. And one more way of formation of a package of orders is a participation in the project «National contract». Such contracts are offered to be concluded all interested person at each meeting. The project is started in February. For today 137 contracts have already returned to a public reception of "UNIFORM Russia» with orders of townspeople.
And that to concrete orders their big part besides concerns work of the enterprises of housing and communal services, to requirements to create the monitoring system of this work. On this field at deputies it is a lot of work, at least, because such requirements will poorly be co-ordinated with the current legislation. To give legal inquiries, to explain the rights and duties, to help with official registration of papers to learn, say, the proprietor to be the proprietor, — a difficult task.
However such is work of the deputy which does not terminate with the termination of the accounting period. And the last meetings in labour collectives are capable to give to this work an additional impulse.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
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