In Labytnangah the project National control is realized!

At session of political council of local branch of party «United Russia« the working group on realization of the party project «National Control» is defined. The project purpose — protection of the rights of consumers and maintenance of balance of interests in a chain "manufacturer-seller-consumer". And among problems — control over a rise in prices for articles of food, a meaningful dialogue establishment between party and public organizations, business associations for achievement of socially focused prices. The basic mechanism of realization of the project «National Control» is обще¬ственный monitoring of the prices for the socially-significant goods. Creation of conditions for pricing stabilization on the socially-significant goods should become result of realization of the project; formation of uniform system of the quality standards; balance of interests, increase of efficiency of interaction of a society and the power. The project is calculated for two years. Its results will be brought in October 2012. And here on another — repair of athletic fields лабытнангские United Russia party members have summed up at political council session. This year thanks to the initiative of Party members in a city it is repaired seven platforms which are actively used now by townspeople. "Strojinvestkompanija" have responded to an appeal of United Russia party members, the enterprise of housing and communal services "Yamal" "Jamaltransstroj".

The great interest of members of political council has caused a question on repair of apartments of veterans. The detailed information in this respect to United Russia party members was presented by the assistant to head of administration Ljubov Harunenko and a deputy head of management of the uniform customer Victor Ptashnik. In particular, it is noticed that for carrying out of repair of apartments of veterans to a city it is allocated 9млн. Rbl. 34 apartments are brought In the list. In August the district power accepts additions regarding categories of the veterans having the right to repair. Earlier apartments which are in the property of veterans were considered only. Now it is enough to veteran to be the registered member of a family of the proprietor. The given changes have expanded the list on 23 apartments sixteen of which are subject to additional inspection. Victor Ptashnik marks:« The management exposed repair of apartments on the auctions, twice the auctions haven't taken place because of absence of participants, now, at last, three times the contractor is defined and starts works ». Victor Alekseevich has especially noticed that standard documents define limiting cost of repair is a 2,5 thousand roubles on one square meter for operating repair and 8,8 for capital.« For us it is the small sums, — marks Ptashnik, — in six apartments from the list repair cost under the estimate came nearer to figure 40 of thousand for square meter "." In the conditions of certain limiting cost of carrying out of repair work it is necessary to leave from the list of works the most necessary », — summarized Ptashnik.

Further members of political council «have synchronized watches» on execution of orders of the voters who have sounded during election campaign of deputies of Legislative Assembly in the spring of current year. From 20 orders it is positively considered eleven, seven — in the realization stage, two orders wait for the turn. Work on execution of orders by political council is estimated well. The secretary of local branch Nikolay Pivovarov has noticed that the plan on realization of orders is calculated on time of powers of deputies of Legislative Assembly, thus it will annually replenish with the new orders arriving during meetings with voters.

Head of administration Sergey Karasev has reported on Party members on results of XVII conference of regional branch of party «United Russia«. Sergey Viktorovich has made special accent on a key problem of party — participation in elections of all levels. It is necessary to tell that not less an important point in party activity is party building. At session of political council the party has replenished with new members. Besides, the local branch of party has got the official leader. After all procedures and coordination Nikolay Pivovarov became the leader United Russia party members, earlier he headed local branch with a prefix and. An island

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