Labytnangsky for edinoros
In Labytnangsky election district the party in power has received without small 57 % of the voices, the second position have occupied LDPR — about 16 %, further «Fair Russia» with an indicator about 13 %, communists have got support only 9 % of voters. «Patriots of Russia» - 2 % of voices close a party rating. The highest support in a cut of the territories entering into Labytnangsky election district, the party in power has received in Shuryshkarsky area — more than 60 %. Similar preferences and as a whole across Yamal. Party places were distributed as follows: for "United Russia" has voted about 65 % of voters, for LDPR - 13 %, communists and spravedlivorossi — on 8 % of voices, "patriots" - 2 %.
As to candidates-odnomandatnikov, in Labytnangsky election district the victory with the big advantage from persecutors was gained by Elena Pushkarev. It as a whole on district has typed 43 % of voices. While the nearest persecutor Raisa Belorukova has received 17 %. It is necessary to tell that Belorukova has won on a poll Shuryshkarsky area. Here it has surpassed to Pushkarev on 2 %. But it has not affected the general deal. We will remind, Elena Pushkarev is put forward by party «United Russia«, Raisa Belorukova — «Fair Russia». For communist Oleg Klementyev, for Sergey Titov's LDPR-sheep — 12 %, 13 % of voters have voted for self-promoted worker Alexey Pavljutkina — 9 % of voices. It closes a rating одномандатников.
In a cut of city polling districts. Every second voter voting in ГДК, has preferred the candidate-edinorossu. «The communistic electorate» lives in the areas voting at the first school, to the candidate of the party of LDPR more often others were given by preferences the inhabitants voting in the second case to the fifth school. For the candidate of the party more often others inhabitants at school of arts voted. The Candidate-samovydvizhenej got support at the inhabitants voting in JUICE is more often.
As to candidates-odnomandatnikov, in Labytnangsky election district the victory with the big advantage from persecutors was gained by Elena Pushkarev. It as a whole on district has typed 43 % of voices. While the nearest persecutor Raisa Belorukova has received 17 %. It is necessary to tell that Belorukova has won on a poll Shuryshkarsky area. Here it has surpassed to Pushkarev on 2 %. But it has not affected the general deal. We will remind, Elena Pushkarev is put forward by party «United Russia«, Raisa Belorukova — «Fair Russia». For communist Oleg Klementyev, for Sergey Titov's LDPR-sheep — 12 %, 13 % of voters have voted for self-promoted worker Alexey Pavljutkina — 9 % of voices. It closes a rating одномандатников.
In a cut of city polling districts. Every second voter voting in ГДК, has preferred the candidate-edinorossu. «The communistic electorate» lives in the areas voting at the first school, to the candidate of the party of LDPR more often others were given by preferences the inhabitants voting in the second case to the fifth school. For the candidate of the party more often others inhabitants at school of arts voted. The Candidate-samovydvizhenej got support at the inhabitants voting in JUICE is more often.
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