On Yamal the definitive structure of Legislative Assembly is confirmed

On Yamal the definitive structure of Legislative Assembly is confirmed
On Yamal the definitive structure of Legislative Assembly is confirmed.

As the press-service of administration of Nadym informs, the party «Patriots of Russia» has received on elections 2, 4 percent of votes of voters. «UNIFORM Russia» has typed 64, 76 percent, «FAIR Russia» — 8, 14 percent. The communist party of Russia was supported by 8, 57 percent ямальцев, and Liberally-democratic party — 13, 35 percent.

During distribution of mandates some candidates consisting in party lists, have written to Electoral committee of Yamal of a declaration of abandonment to occupy an elective office. To work in district parliament have refused Jury Neyelov, Nikolay Borodulin, Dmitry Ananev, Vasily Krjuk.

Sergey Harjuchi has passed in Legislative Assembly on one-mandatory district, therefore also has transferred the mandate received under the party list. Besides, the head of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky has refused the received mandate.

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