Sergey Mironov works on Yamal

Sergey Mironov works on Yamal
The chairman of the council of Federation of the Russian Federation, the party leader «Fair Russia» Sergey Mironov is today with working visit in Noyabrsk.

Visit of the leader справороссов to Yamal passes in election campaign frameworks in Legislative Assembly JANAO, have informed in the press-service of governor ЯНАО.

In administration of Noyabrsk the working meeting of the speaker of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation with the vice-governor of Yamal on which Sergey Mironov and Victor Kazarin have discussed questions of social and economic development of autonomous region has taken place. Also Sergey Mironov has held a meeting with a city management.

During visiting of Noyabrsk the head of the Upper chamber of the Russian parliament intends to visit ТСЖ "North", detsko-youthful sports school "Olympian", the Center of children's and youth associations, a trading complex "North", will meet townsmen and with journalists.

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