The session of the Municipal duma of Labytnnagi first after vacation
On Friday the session of the Municipal duma first after vacation will take place. The day before some questions of the agenda have been studied at the expanded session of the deputy commissions.
People's choices should legalize changes and additions in the Charter which in the majority are connected with reduction of norms of the Charter in conformity with the changed legislation. This question has undergone procedure of public hearings and hasn't caused additional questions of deputies. Also in connection with the changed standard documents of district level deputies will bring into accord position about the monetary maintenance of officials. At session people's choices should consider the changes offered in the municipal program on carrying out of actions directed on improvement of a condition of objects of housing and communal services and the initiative of Salekhard colleagues on modification of the district housing legislation. It is a question of an order of granting of habitation at resettlement of citizens from emergency. On present norms at resettlement the equivalent premises should be given citizens. Thus equivalence of given premises is defined not only equivalence of a total area, but also quantity of rooms in earlier occupied and given habitation. To execute the given norm practically it is not possible. The lion's share of the apartments recognized emergency and subject pulling down, make small-sized, at times semiarranged well, apartments the area of only 30-40 square meters for «2», 46-50 squares for «3». And on present possibility of building of 2 room apartments by a total area not less than 44 sq. m and 3 room apartments — not less than 56 sq. m. is provided In this connection Salekhard deputies suggest to increase admissible size of excess of a total area of given habitation to size of registration norm that, in turn, will give the chance to local governments and autonomous region enforcement authorities to make resettlement of citizens without infringement of norms of the current legislation. In Labytnangah the registration norm makes 15 square meters on each member of a family. Labytnangsky elects intend to support the initiative of Salekhard colleagues at session of the Duma.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
People's choices should legalize changes and additions in the Charter which in the majority are connected with reduction of norms of the Charter in conformity with the changed legislation. This question has undergone procedure of public hearings and hasn't caused additional questions of deputies. Also in connection with the changed standard documents of district level deputies will bring into accord position about the monetary maintenance of officials. At session people's choices should consider the changes offered in the municipal program on carrying out of actions directed on improvement of a condition of objects of housing and communal services and the initiative of Salekhard colleagues on modification of the district housing legislation. It is a question of an order of granting of habitation at resettlement of citizens from emergency. On present norms at resettlement the equivalent premises should be given citizens. Thus equivalence of given premises is defined not only equivalence of a total area, but also quantity of rooms in earlier occupied and given habitation. To execute the given norm practically it is not possible. The lion's share of the apartments recognized emergency and subject pulling down, make small-sized, at times semiarranged well, apartments the area of only 30-40 square meters for «2», 46-50 squares for «3». And on present possibility of building of 2 room apartments by a total area not less than 44 sq. m and 3 room apartments — not less than 56 sq. m. is provided In this connection Salekhard deputies suggest to increase admissible size of excess of a total area of given habitation to size of registration norm that, in turn, will give the chance to local governments and autonomous region enforcement authorities to make resettlement of citizens without infringement of norms of the current legislation. In Labytnangah the registration norm makes 15 square meters on each member of a family. Labytnangsky elects intend to support the initiative of Salekhard colleagues at session of the Duma.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
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