Again there was a fire!

The fire has occurred in the morning of the last Sunday again. Practically has completely burnt down a four-room apartment house along the street Lake in microdistrict Obsky. Fire destroys also property of people. All premises were in the property, one of them belonged to the organisation. For time residing premises in a maneuverable available housing are offered.

The head of administration of a city Sergey Karasev has spent the personal enrolment of citizens, an injured fire. As it was found out, proprietors insured the habitation, will solve therefore the housing problems it slightly easier. After inspection of a condition of the house, carrying out of technical expert appraisal documents will be directed to the Interdepartmental commission for an estimation of premises of municipal available housing concerning a recognition of a premise by premises, premises unsuitable for residing and an apartment house emergency and subject to a pulling down or reconstruction.

From the house practically remains nothing, therefore there are no doubts that the commission will make the decision on a house recognition emergency, subject to a pulling down. Citizens — proprietors of habitation will receive both insurance payments, and budgetary funds as the sum of the repayment of apartment defined by the independent appraiser at a pulling down of the emergency house. Certainly, redemption cost of completely burnt down apartment is not great, but for and this sum superfluous will not be.

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