Physicians are condemned for sale of sick-lists

Physicians are condemned for sale of sick-lists
On Yamal the doctor and the nurse are sentenced to conditional term for trade in sick-lists.

By consequence it is proved that the doctor-endokrinolog of polyclinic Muravlenkovsk city hospitals Elena Terekhov and nurse Ljubov Ildetkina in November, 2008 for 5 thousand roubles have brought in a medical card of the patient record with the fictitious diagnosis and have issued to "client" an invalidity leaf for 5 days. The Muravlenkovsky city court recognised physicians guilty and has sentenced the doctor to 4 years conditionally with a trial period 2 years and to the penalty in 20 thousand roubles. To the nurse punishment in the form of 3 years conditionally with a trial period 1 year and the penalty of 10 thousand roubles has been appointed. Besides, the doctor and the nurse cannot be engaged in professional work within 2 years and 6 months accordingly.

As informs "Uralinformbjuro", defendants have submitted the cassation on a verdict, but court JANAO has left the complaint condemned without satisfaction.

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